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Here are all the Mixes that contain our Dehydrated Pineapple.

Some say that it was Christopher Columbus who spotted it in 1492 in South America and then brought it to Europe, however, it seems that pineapple-like fruits already appear in some Roman mosaics and thus were known in ancient times. What matters are the extraordinary properties of this fruit, which we offer in a dehydrated version, perfect to add to your mix.

Any tips? Take it with you during your workout; it will be an instant source of energy. Enjoy it whenever you want to boost your immunity and better absorb iron thanks to vitamin C. Use it as a beauty elixir to improve the appearance of your skin and diminish imperfections.

From Costa Rica with fury, our dehydrated pineapple is unprocessed, containing only the fruit’s own sugars and no added sugar. The drying process is aimed at preserving taste and nutritional values.

Buy our dehydrated pineapple online with no added sugars and you can count on a portentous fruit to enrich your mix and enjoy it wherever you want.

Dried Pineapple

250 g
Quantity :

Tropical Mix

Cashew nuts, Dehydrated Pineapple, Coconut, Dehydrated Mango, Brazil nuts.
210 g
480 g
Quantity :
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