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Our Brazil Nuts are 100% Natural and, once harvested, we import them directly from the growers without the use of any middlemen in order to always have a fresh product and minimise CO2 emissions.
Probably the Brazil nut is the only fruit that comes from non-cultivated areas, it is harvested in the southern part of the Amazon forest between Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. Its trees can reach up to 50 metres in height. During the rainy season, the fruit, which contains the nuts (similar to a coconut), gets wet and falls due to the action of the wind.
The Brazil nut has an exceptional level of Selenium, amounting to 1917 ųg per 100 grams of product. A handful of Brazil Nuts a day can provide our daily requirement of this mineral salt. Few people know it, but Selenium helps hair grow strong and healthy. Not only that, it has a protective effect on the thyroid gland and ensures its proper functioning.
Our dried fruit is 100% natural.
It contains no additives or preservatives. It is never fried.
We import it directly from the producers, with no middlemen and no long storage periods.
Buy them online and receive them directly to your home in our compostable, re-sealable pack and you will immediately have an exotic fruit with many benefits.
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Do you have doubts about when it is best to consume your snack or in what portions? Or do you have other questions?
See the FAQ below.
Did you know that together we can protect the environment?
We have chosen to work with a short supply chain, which guarantees fresh, quality products and saves CO2.
Our packaging is 100% compostable: once you have finished your mix you can throw it straight into the organic bin.
The Maka-Tool is a foodgrade aluminium box designed to carry 30g (1 snack) of product in the S format and 60g (2 snacks) of product in the L format. It is available in 5 colours!